Shop our sale: 50% OFF Holiday Goods! Free Shipping & Doorstep Delivery on orders over $75
Save 50% on all Holiday Goods including decor, ornaments, candles, treats, calendars, cards & wrapping!

January's Birthstone is Garnet!

Perfect for the start of a new year, garnet is an energizing stone used to attract & activate passion & success.

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At our core, we are a brick and mortar shop where we believe that providing a welcoming, fun, informative shopping experience is of the utmost importance. Come visit us and you'll find oh so much more than we have online, plus super friendly and helpful sales staff to share product knowledge, offer gift suggestions and reach items on the top shelves for you!
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434 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis 317-955-9925
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Visit Our Carmel location!
111 W. Main Street, Carmel, IN 317-993-3669

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Meet our Silver Linings Fund!