A cute monarch butterfly with the teeniest smiley face? Yes, please. Even better is that monarchs symbolize change and transformation, strength and endurance, hope and resilience, trusting your journey, spiritual evolution, connection to angels and departed loved ones,
Monarch butterflies are among the most beautiful, the most striking and the most beloved of all North American butterflies. And although all butterflies are deeply spiritual and symbolic creatures, this is especially true of monarchs.
Butterflies in general have deep spiritual significance for many people due to their lifecycle, which includes metamorphosis from a caterpillar into an adult butterfly and then rebirth as a caterpillar again.
For this reason, it is easy to understand how butterflies have come to represent our own spiritual lives as well as the cycle of life, death, transformation and rebirth.
Many people in different parts of the world also connect butterflies with angels, spirits and the afterlife – in many cultures, butterflies are thought to be the returning spirits of departed loved ones, and many people also believed they indicate the presence of angels.