Excuses and Lies
Everybody lies–even people who aren't the president. If they say they don't, they're lying. The question isn't whether to lie, it's how to lie. Excuses and Lies for All Occasions provides the necessary lines for workplace, friendships, family, your own inner thoughts, unpaid bills, and more. With this pocket-sized prompter, you'll never contemplate the honest route again!
Pick-ups and Come-ons
Good news, lovers! There's no need to ever feel tongue-tied, awkward, or without game again. This pocket-sized prompter is here to serve as your very own Cyrano de Bergerac. With Pickups and Come-ons, you'll wow babes with wit, charm, and class–or borderline socially acceptable crass (if that's your thing). Plus, it'll increase your sex appeal by 42.9 percent!
Insults and Come-backs
Our bestselling book of jabs and jeers has a fresh, stylish look–and tons of updated takedowns for today's culture of #canceled. Chock-full of barbs targeting everything from intelligence to ego to online dating, you'll always be prepared with an appropriate–or inappropriate–zinger to put assholes in their place. With the help of this pocket-sized prompter, your never be at a loss for the perfect putdown again.
All Books are high-quality softcovers | 4 x. 6.75 inches | 112 pages | Written by Knock Knock
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